Saturday, August 19, 2006
Not funny anymore, Nate!!

A moment of silence is becoming one of the most frightening noises (or lack of) in our house! When there is no screaming, giggling, shuffling of little crawling knees, kazoo-playing. . .yes, my son has found a love for the beloved instrument, the kazoo, but that's another blog entry on another day! . . . when there is no banging of spoons or toys, no shaking of the gate at the stairs, no "ba-ba-ba-ma-ma-ma"ing, no sluuuuurping on the sippy cup. . .when all of these noises are conspicuously missing - it means run like heck to find that baby because he is up to NO GOOD!!

And lately the "no good" is exploration of the bathroom. . .specifically the TOILET PAPER!!! I found him today AGAIN, spinning, spinning, spinning the roll and pulling it all around himself!! Crazy baby!! And as soon as he hears the shriek, "NATHAN!!!" He turns to look at me for a split second before putting his antics in over-drive -- because he knows that any minute I will snatch him up and his game will be over. . .until that next busy moment when mommy turns her head for just one minute. . .hehehe!!


Okay, I'm sorry - it was funny to me! I'm just so grossed out by Lily eating dog food!

Blogger Gail said...

Hey! You scored the same scale of "irreverancy" on the personality blog that Dawn and I did, so I KNOW you see how funny this is!

Your bathroom as been TP'd!

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